Legal Page

About The Name :

"Open mind for a different business using the same name 'Rosa Flora'. It is allowed, anybody can do business if the name is not a running international trademark that was not renewed, it means expired international trademark. Also the business must be worldwide for real, not only a local business.

With this consciousness, I registered for 10 years the name "Rosa Flora" at INPI France, I'm not selling flowers."

- Written by Rosa Flora.

Hosting Companies :



Copyright Infrigements :

All musics and graphics stored on this website are owned by Julio Fong, artist name "Rosa Flora".

Musics are composed by the songwritter Julio Fong and copyrighted, archived with timestamps on COPYRIGHT.EU and DEPOTNUMERIQUE.COM

The musics and graphics are made with paid softwares, it means I bought licenses to use for commercial purposes.

Despite of these words, if you have a DMCA request, I will check throught your copyright office or music publisher, about melodies.

The above means if you sent me a DMCA then you expect me to remove immediately, no it doesn't work like that,
we must verify together.

Let say we found no arrangement, the tribunal will be at Strasbourg, France.

Thank you for supporting "Rosa Flora", your kindness and interest.